
Take a look at what some of our clients have said about us!

“...Since the installation of PowerKureTM, we have realized electric bill reductions of $36,000. Furthermore, unlike the past, we have not experienced any power sags, surges or brownouts. PowerKureTM has performed as specified and will be a profitable energy saving addition to any facility.”

Richard McCollin, Plant Engineering, Ford

“...I appreciate the service and efficient follow up you and your staff have provided to us on the project. Famous Players Inc. is pleased with the equipment, results, and service. It is our intention to install your equipment in our recently completed theaters throughout the country and to include your equipment into famous players Inc. Standards for new construction.”

Robert G. DeWolfe CET,MChE,CD National Facilities Manager, Famous Players Inc.

“The predicted savings of the PowerKureTM system before implementation was approximately $6,600. With the actual savings of $16,500, one can see that the system exceeded expectations by 2.5 times. With these savings, and the cost of the system at just over $27,000, the resulting payback period is approximately 1.65 years.”

Mike Schmidtler, P.Eng, General Manager, Pipe and Standard Products, Lafarge Construction Materials

“…Other than the reduction in energy bills, the maintenance of the motors and other electrical equipment at our facility has been significantly reduced.”

Xavier Joseph, President, Narroflex

“…We saved the capital cost of increasing the size of our transformer, and showed significant savings in power usage. I would recommed your services to any significant user of electricity.”

Andrew M. MacDonald, Vice President and General Manager, Torcad Limited

“Based on the tests carried out on site and both the calculations from PowerKureTM and our independent calculations it appears that the savings to be realized will actually be higher than those utilized in the projected payback analysis; thereby yielding a faster payback than anticipated. ”

H.H. Angus & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers, per Husky Injection Molding

“The mitigation of harmonics has reduced downtime to surges, transient and momentary blips. These power quality improvements have led to cost savings in our facility's infrastructure downtime and maintenance costs due to electronic failures. PowerKure Solution's approval to participate in the Save On Energy incentive program, allowed us to recoup up to 50% of cost of the installation of the PowerKure System.”

Robert Arthur, Operations Manager, Top Grade Molds Ltd.

“Since the installation of the PowerKure solution at our facility we have seen an annual KWH usage reduction of approximately 6.5% resulting in an annual cost savings of approximately $30,000. These savings exceeded our expectations. The work was completed in a safe and timely manner. I appreciate the service and follow-up of you and your staff. I would recommend your product and service.”

Vince Penney, Manager Manufacturing Services and Infrastructure, ARaymond Hamilton

“The M&V report shows that the expected reductions in KWD and KWH, which were estimated at 1.5% have been exceeded and reached 1.69%. The project was pre-approved by Niagara Peninsula Hydro for the SaveOnEnergy incentive program. The original estimate was $15, 344.00, but the final M&V text showed that the actual results justified an increased incentive totalling $17, 272.00.”

David Kuzmich, VP-Engineering Stanpac Inc.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank PowerKure Solutions for the installation of the PowerKure System at our facility. Since the installation of this system, we have noticed reductions in KW Demand, KVA Demand, and KWH. Also, power quality has been improved through the mitigation of harmonics and the balancing of voltage and current. These power quality improvements have led to impressive cost savings in our facility's infrastructure, downtime, and maintenance costs. PowerKure's Solution's approval to participate in the Save On Energy Incentive program, allowed us to recoup up to 50% of the cost of the installation of the PowerKure System. Because the PowerKure System worked so well, the amount of funding we received from the incentive fund was much higher than initially proposed. As a result, the initial payback period of 2.20 years was reduced to 1.58 years.”

Richard Kozdras, CI and BBP Manager Continuous Improvement, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors

“The PowerKure System was pre-approved for participation in the Save On Energy incentive program. The staff at PowerKure worked with our utility provider and assisted us with the completion of the application process and we were approved to recoup up to 50% of the cost of the installation of the system. Working with staff at PowerKure has been a very positive experience. They were very knowledgeable about the product and participation in the Save On Energy incentive program. Milan attended our facility to give training seminars on the operation of the PowerKure System. ”

Mike Yacoub, Maintenance Manager, Walmart Logistics

“The PowerKure System was installed in our facility in December 2014 and we have been very happy with the results in terms of power quality, power factor and energy savings in the short time since installation. The staff at PowerKure Solutions was very helpful in giving us information about the Save On Energy incentive program. We have been pre-approved to receive a return on the cost and installation of the PowerKure System from this incentive program. We are happy with the installation process and the performance of the PowerKure System, and would readily recommend it to anyone experiencing power quality issues. The staff at PowerKure was very knowledgeable, professional, and helpful. ”

Eugenie Magliocco, Manufacturing Engineering, Mytox Manufacturing